Who we act for

GANTT LEGAL acts exclusively for developers and landowners.

The term 'developer' is misunderstood.

The firm categorises developers in to four types:

  • Traditional developers - Entities where the primary objective is to create stock for sale.  This is usually through the subdivision of land for sale, or the construction of buildings where the tenure is later split into community lots for sale.
  • Businesses - Entities carrying on business for which government land use control and, in particular, procuring a development approval or other permit, is a necessary component for the purpose of undertaking that business.  This applies mostly to industries, but also to utility providers.
  • Mums and dads - Those constructing a house, a pergola, and so on.
  • Not-for-profit entities - Many not-for-profit entities require advice about land use control and procuring development approvals just like traditional businesses motivated by profit. Examples include respite centres, aged care facilities, hospitals, and so on.

GANTT LEGAL acts for all types of developers.